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Prinzhorn Group, Hamburger Recycling, Hamburger Containerboard, Dunapack Packaging

Prinzhorn Group steps in Italy

Prinzhorn Group, having a strategic long term interest in Italy, has made a proposal to acquire corrugated packaging plant Scatolificio La Veggia…
Dunapack Packaging

The energy and raw materials crisis is also pushing the packaging industry towards comprehensive innovations

... sustainable solutions could be the way out! No industry has been spared recently by the dramatic increase in energy and fuel prices, inflation…

State Award Smart Packaging for Ski Packaging Design

Dunapack Packaging Strasswalchen achieved a nomination for the “State Award Smart Packaging” with its ski packaging design.

Grand Opening of Hungarian Greenfield

A major development for the industry: one of the most modern corrugated packaging factories in Central Europe starts operation in Hungary in September

Wellpappe Austria Award

Dunapack Packaging Straßwalchen was honoured as the recipient of Wellpappe Austria Awards 2022.

We support students in Dunapack Packaging Plovdiv

We support our young talent with two more great projects in Bulgaria
Germany, Austria


Large donation campaign to Austrian and German "Tafeln".
Adana Plant

Plant Tour

Dunapack Packaging Adana invites you!
Prinzhorn Group, Hamburger Recycling, Hamburger Containerboard, Dunapack Packaging

“Creating tomorrow” – Our first ever FIT event

A premiere as good as it gets