We will effectively use all available financial, human and technological resources to:
- Set the management and quality assurance in all our business plans and market strategies and include themin the criteria for evaluating the performance of each employee in the company.
- Maintain a constant high level of technical equipment, implement new technologies and achieve fullcompliance with regulatory and other requirements accepted by the company.
- Conduct research of customers’ requirements and demands to achieve maximum flexibility and ensure high quality of products and services.
- Maintain value-adding relationships with our suppliers to increase the ability of both sides to ensure highquality products.
- Maintain the International Quality Management System ISO 9001 that guarantees constant improvement andmake it an integral part of all the processes of the company.
- Continuously improve the efficiency of the processes by the management system.
- Create a working environment to provide resources for the training of our employees and increase theirqualifications.
- Encourage employees of all levels to work for continuous improvement of products and services offered toour customers.
- Conduct regular reviews and audits of the management system and evaluate our achievements and progressaccording to the accepted standards.
The management is confident that all our employees will contribute to the policy fulfillment and all the relatedcommitments in line with their responsibilities.